February 13, 2024

全国女童和妇女体育日(2月11日. 致力于表彰女孩和妇女在体育运动中的进步. At Susquehanna, 200多名女学生运动员参加比赛, courts, tracks, courses and swimming pools every year to compete on the university’s intercollegiate athletics teams.


Susquehanna妇女协会的分会 Sports Media celebrated NGWSD with a variety of events that offered professional development and fun — and sometimes both at the same time.

“We wanted to provide women with the chance to work in sports and gain more experience while also planning fun events for our members that celebrate their hard work in sports media,24岁的阿比盖尔·麦克米伦说, a 新闻与数字媒体 AWSM的专业和总裁.

The highlight of the week was the organization’s production led by all women – announcers, camera operators, 女篮2月主任. 7日对阵莱康明学院,一场比赛 River Hawks won 以确保他们在地标会议锦标赛中的位置.

一场女子篮球比赛落在了NGWSD, 我们知道我们必须做一些特别的事情,” MacMillan said. “我很高兴看到它在社交媒体和校园里得到推广.”

AWSM also aired productions – with all-women hosts and guests – of two Susquehanna studio programs: Coach’s Corner and 河鹰运动员聚光灯. Other activities included a field trip to a Monster Jam monster truck event where they spoke with women drivers and got a behind-the-scenes tour, as well as fundraisers, 参加社交活动,参加一个有机会爆头的研讨会.

“Twenty years ago, 你可以用一只手数出从事体育工作的女性人数, 我们通常只在镜头里看到一群男同事中的女性. This is a growing industry that more young girls and women are getting interested in and that’s an amazing thing to see,” MacMillan said. “Recognizing and celebrating this day allows women across the world to feel represented and recognized for their roles in the sports media industry.”

在成立不到五年的时间里,萨斯奎哈纳的AWSM分会被命名 2023年度学生分会 由国家组织. 州立大学是全国仅有的17所拥有分会的学院或大学之一, 它是迄今为止最小的, said Dave Kaszuba, 传播学副教授,AWSM顾问, 让国家的认可更加令人印象深刻.

“AWSM为我们的学生提供了一个很好的社交方式, 获得接触导师和演讲嘉宾的机会, 并充分利用AWSM的资源,比如奖学金竞赛, 有竞争力的实习机会和年会,” Kaszuba said.

After graduation, MacMillan plans to work in the sports media industry as a sports photographer for a professional or collegiate team.

“I didn’t know what I wanted to do until I picked up a camera and photographed a soccer game for the yearbook. Capturing the highs and lows of that one game had given me the gift of knowing what I wanted to do in my lifetime,” MacMillan said. “To be able to tell the stories of athletes on my college campus through photos is such an amazing privilege and opportunity — an experience I’ll forever be grateful for.”